Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Or should I say where "children" play.
What was it I was talking about the other day, "seeing things through the eyes of a child.  Can't help it.

This mushroom was huge! It must have been close to a foot across.


How can one not love em, They just squeeze there way into your life.

It appears they taste good too. To someone?

With petticoats like this,  now wonder there skirts flair out. Or is it the fringe of a flapper?

Friday, November 12, 2010


I just found out the name of this mushroom from my sister Jan. It is Amanita Muscaria. She was talking about seeing some near her home in Poulsbo WA.  And she sent a picture. Only hers was redder. I remembered taking pictures of some similar in color last year at my neighbor's house. So I went over and sure enough they were there again. Same mushroom. 
Like a bulldozer they push the dirt aside into a heap, as they emerge from the ground. It appears that something has eaten a hole into this one revealing a shredded mantel inside.

As I was taking this picture I saw another delightful clump of mushrooms almost hidden under a pine tree, and still cradling some of the dirt it had pushed up.  

I carefully brushed off the dirt with a soft brush and took another shot from a different angle. I have no idea what these mushrooms are so if any of you know your mushrooms let me know there names. Perhaps you can tell me these too, Jan.

But don't go away, I almost did and almost missed these tiny little gems so small they are easy to over look, and they were right in front of me the whole time I was taking the other pictures. They are so delightful, they look like little paper parasols that you might tuck into a cocktail.

Then I found some very similar mushrooms in my back yard growing out of the moss. Just a bit darker in color and with longer stems.

So even though the bright blossoms are gone and the colorful leaves are falling there is still a lot of wonderful things to see in the yard if you just take fa few moments to look. And what a delightful surprise it is when you find the unexpected.

I feel so lucky to have gotten these shots as clear as I did. I was just using my Nikon coolpix S60 point and shoot. Not bad at all for a little camera.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This is the way we most often see the crashing wave as it curls over creating a spectacular spectacle. Indeed, this is beautiful with the transparency of the light through the breaking wave and the frothy foam left in it's wake.


But just as fascinating is the peak of the wave just before it is about to roll over. It looks as if two forces were pushing against each other. The sharp ridge across the top looks as if it had been drawn with a pen, dark on one side light on the other.

The pear is a perfect place to view all aspects of the wave and seeing it from the back side is no exception. The smooth sweep behind the swell is like standing at the top of a water fall where it is about to spill over the edge.

so the next time you are watching the ROLLING SURF, go out on the dock and look look at it from a different angle.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I know this is rather large for your screen, but I wanted you to really be able to see the power of the explosion.
So scan across to see it all. Sorry about the boxes in the middle, I haven't figured out how to remove them temporarily.
Is this why they call it a brake water?  Watching a mass of green water erupt into a profusion of white droplets that burst in every direction is breathtaking.  Water contains such power.


Monday, November 8, 2010


  FASCINATION  .  What is he thinking? I hope I will always look at things through the eyes of a child. Oh, to see the world with such wonder and total fascination. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010


How often do you get the chance to see a pelican this close up? The last time we were in Los Angeles there was a storm watch and they had come a shore and were milling about on the dock with all the fisher men.



What better way to start a new blog of my photography than a picture of Autumn in Oregon.
My other blog ;( sonjadonnelly.blogspot.com ) or( sonjadonnellydailypainter ) I have dedicated to my weekly series of daily paintings.
Because photography is my second love and because of the joy I get seeing the world through the lens of a camera, I decided to share with you some of my shots on this new blog dedicated to just that. So I hope you will enjoy getting up close with me and exploring the beauty all around us that we so often overlook. The simple things that require us to stop and look more closely.